Wednesday, December 2, 2009

In Limbo but Relieved to Have Some News

I heard from our agency director just a little while ago. She spoke with the attorney in Ethiopia. It seems that MoWA has had meetings and that the paperwork they need to submit to go into Oliver's file wasn't there. It seems to be widespread for all the court cases this week. Realizing they now have a backlog, MoWA is going to try to play catch-up in the courts and get the missing paperwork submitted and the cases heard asap.

Our attorney in Ethiopia is being called in tomorrow before the judge who has Oliver's file. He believes it is to hear our court case. The attorney was at his home when he spoke with our director so he didn't have his files in front of him. Oliver's Ethiopian name is not a typical name, so he could recall that he received a court summons about Oliver. We were told not to rely too much on our case being heard tomorrow and that with the backlog, we should know more Friday as to whether we got heard or if we have been rescheduled to a later date.

Though we continue to wait, at least we know why we have the delay.


MommaT said...

I have good vibes for tomorrow!

Debbie said...

Nothing but positive thoughts for good news tomorrow.

MommaT said...

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