Its time to make this adoption "REAL" and start decorating and getting the house in shape. Since Chloe is back in school and we have family coming for the holidays, there is no time like the present.
I placed the order for Oliver's bedding last week from P*B*K and for a darling tented shelf unit from Land* of Nod*. I also have my eye on a red dresser that I will purchase in the next month or so. Matt and Chloe are going to pick the wall colors and paint Oliver's room together!
We are also making plans to baby-proof the house and have some built-ins done in the playroom for toy storage. We are having a built-in entertainment system put in with shelves for toy storage and books. I want to buy baskets to put some of Chloe's toys in, one's we want to keep out of reach of Oliver.
We are also re-doing our book shelves in our formal living area. Right now they are crammed full of books and board games and we hope to clear it out and de-clutter. We will also re-tile the hearth around our fireplace. I've only had the tiles for a few months now, so getting that project out of the way will feel good.
I am really excited about getting all this done. Doing it now gives me the time to clear out and organize before Oliver's arrival (it also gives me something to concentrate on instead of constantly wondering when we will get our referral).
Work should begin the end of this month and be done by the first or second week in October. I'll post photos of Oliver's finished room on this blog and of our other projects on the family blog when all is underway and complete.