Friday, June 12, 2009

Official Start of the Summer & Waiting

Chloe is finished with pre-school yesterday---it's the official start of summer at our home. Our first couple of weeks are filled with guests, that's a great thing about living in such close proximity to NYC, lots of company. We then have a swim camp and a summer camp. Our summer is pretty full so we shouldn't be bored. We have plenty to do. I don't wish for summer to speed by and for fall and the start of school to come, but I am hoping that the waiting for Oliver will go by quickly.

I know from experience that the waiting game is hard, but I also know that once we get the referral and see Oliver's photo that the wait to actually travel and see him in person is even harder. As the rainy season approaches in Ethiopia, if we get our referral within the given timeframes, I know that the government shut-down that occurs will lengthen our wait to meet Oliver. I look back over our paperchase and think, "I could have done that more quickly to avoid the rainy season."

And again, we know from experience that it will all fall into place and it all happens in good time and that it all happens at a certain time for a certain reason and the child that will be referred to us was destined to be our Oliver.

Yes, but then again, it's just hard to wait....


FHL said...

Hope you will see your sweet little Oliver's face soon!!! (And SOOOO hoping that the rumor of the courts not closing will come true! I have huge doubts that it won't...but I'm hoping anyway!!)

MommaT said...

We are in the same waiting timeframe as you all and with the same agency. I understand totally your anxiety over waiting..just know you are not alone:) Jennifer in Yelm, WA